Category: Spanish Gay Porn

MeninosOnLine – Kadu and Valentim

Valentim with another muscle stud, but ends up being the bottom bitch! I like to go somewhere warm when winter arrives. I hate cold weather. I plan leaving in two days and wanted to have a quick fun before the departure. A friend of mine lent me his parking space, where I could leave my car while being abroad. My idea for tonight was to find a cute boy Valentim, bring him to the garages, and fuck him right there. I wanted to do something crazy. Now I had to find a boy willing to go with me. It was...

MeninosOnline – Sam & Richard Vallence

Richard Vallence with another muscle stud, but ends up being the bottom bitch! I like to go somewhere warm when winter arrives. I hate cold weather. I plan leaving in two days and wanted to have a quick fun before the departure. A friend of mine lent me his parking space, where I could leave my car while being abroad. My idea for tonight was to find a cute boy Richard Vallence, bring him to the garages, and fuck him right there. I wanted to do something crazy. Now I had to find a boy willing to go with me. It...

BiLatinMen – Zaddy & Kruel

Zaddy with another muscle stud, but ends up being the bottom bitch! I like to go somewhere warm when winter arrives. I hate cold weather. I plan leaving in two days and wanted to have a quick fun before the departure. A friend of mine lent me his parking space, where I could leave my car while being abroad. My idea for tonight was to find a cute boy Zaddy, bring him to the garages, and fuck him right there. I wanted to do something crazy. Now I had to find a boy willing to go with me. It was...

MundoMais – Vitor and Claudio – Bareback Na Rua Seis

Um casal de moradores acabou de se mudar para a Rua Seis, na zona leste de Sao Paulo. Foi nosso ator Augusto que falou do site pra eles e nosso contato. Conheca Vitor e Claudio (Tico), casados ha dois anos. Vitor tem 22 anos, e do signo de Touro e nasceu em Minas Gerais. Claudio tem signo Touro tambem, 24 anos e nasceu em Sao Paulo. Os dois moram juntos na Rua Seis, gravaram o filme sem camisinha e esperamos que voltem novamente em novos trabalhos.

BiLatinMen – Chamaco & Q

Chamaco with another muscle stud, but ends up being the bottom bitch! I like to go somewhere warm when winter arrives. I hate cold weather. I plan leaving in two days and wanted to have a quick fun before the departure. A friend of mine lent me his parking space, where I could leave my car while being abroad. My idea for tonight was to find a cute boy Chamaco, bring him to the garages, and fuck him right there. I wanted to do something crazy. Now I had to find a boy willing to go with me. It was...

MundoMais – Saad & David

Saad e muito bom interpretando U M papel nos videos alem p dar um charme todo special a cena. David tem um jeito marrento por natureza e tem um sotaque lindo do Ceara. O encontro dos dois so poderia ser um filme acima da media para abrir o mes p fevereiro mes categoria. David foi recentemente entrevistado pela Silvetty Montilla no seu programa Espuma com Montilla. A entrevista e authorized pra voce conhece-lo melhor fora do trabalho. Tambem fizemos uma materia sobre o programa da Silvetty, que muito engracado e vale a pena voce conhecer.

MundoMais – Ze & Henrique

Desde quando Ze estreou no website em 2014 ele e um dos queridinhos dos nossos assinantes. A galera adora, tudo que ele faz. Por ser versatil popularidade. Henrique e bem mais novo no website, mas ja esta trilhando um caminho parecido. Seu primeiro trabalho foi um sucesso, mas a galera vibrou muito com o ultimo que ele contracena com Vinicius. O encontro destes dois meninos so podia ser muito bom!

NoelAlejandro – Serodiscordantes

Based on the story of Alejandria Cinque and Cachorro Lozano. Serodiscordantes was filmed and edited in Berlin. Directed by Noel Alejandro. A virus is always an unwanted guest. Yet, if it arrives, you better make room for it. Consumed by the guilt, Miguel (Alejandria Cinque) was doing his best to keep Evaristo (Cachorro Lozano) safe and apart of the tension, but he knew he couldn’t hide it any longer when dark thoughts started taking on his dreams. Seeking the mystic help of a pendulum, both lovers enter a dangerous game of questions that will reveal the most undesirable intimacy. In...

BiLatinMen – Joselito & Mocoso

Joselito with another muscle stud, but ends up being the bottom bitch! I like to go somewhere warm when winter arrives. I hate cold weather. I plan leaving in two days and wanted to have a quick fun before the departure. A friend of mine lent me his parking space, where I could leave my car while being abroad. My idea for tonight was to find a cute boy Joselito, bring him to the garages, and fuck him right there. I wanted to do something crazy. Now I had to find a boy willing to go with me. It was...

BiLatinMen – Platano & Colorin

No encontraba buen Platano Latino en la internet. Un compa me dijo de unos Videos De Gay bien chingones. Pero no encontraba la pagina. Al fin encontre unas Fotos De Gay de un papasote bien vergon. Las fotos me llevaron a la pagina. Pos para que te cuento mas. Pinche jalada que me dia todo el dia viendo un chingo de Videos De Gay. Ya haste conosi un papasote de la pagina. Cojidota que nos dimos!